Club Meetings
Our Meetings usually run on a schedule:
Monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month and held at the South Hills Business School in State College PA.
The Meetings start at 7:00 P.M.
However, there are other locations on different occasions.
The March Meeting is the Spring Social held at Hoss's Restaurant in State College starting at 6:00 P.M
The Fox Hunt Meeting is held in Sunset Park in State College PA, and starts at 5:30
The August Picnic is held at Tom Tudek Memorial Park In State College PA and starts at 5:30
The Holiday Social is held at Hoss's Restaurant in State College starting at 6:00 P.M
Maps are below
We have Amateur Radio Testing when the meeting is at the South Hills Business School
Reservations for testing are required, and when you call or email for a reservation, we will let you know the dates available.
More information is on the links on the sidebar on the home page and Ham Testing pages