Thank you for your interest in joining the Nittany ARC
NARC Membership Level Requirements:
Full - If you reside in Centre County and hold a current Amateur License you can only be a Full Member. Licensed Hams living outside Centre County can opt for Full Membership if they wish.
Associate Membership - Anyone who does not have an Amateur Radio License or who lives outside Centre County.
Family - Applicable to additional family members, residing in the same household, which have one member paying for Full or Associate
Our Membership year is January 1st through December 31st
If a new member joins more than halfway through our Fiscal year- January 1 through December 31 -
there is a
pro-rated membership available.
January 1st through June 30th - Full Dues
July 1st through September 30th - Two-thirds of Annual Dues
October 1 through December 31st - One-third of Annual Dues
The pro-rating - if any - has already been done and is reflected in the drop-down menu
General Contributions
NARC provides a lot of services and features for our members. Donations are always appreciated to help us carry out our activities
Note that PayPal doesn't allow an add to cart option for donations.
Nittany Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 614
State College, PA 16801
A 501 (C) (3) organization. For more info, email us at: